Nurturing the Soul: Healing Through the Love of God


Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart, read this book about trauma treatment from Beverly and David Sedlacek and learn how to start nurturing the soul.

Trauma is a deep emotional wound. It is caused by distressing or terrifying experiences. A lasting impact is left on our minds and bodies when we experience trauma. Trauma isolates and leaves those wounded by it broken and lost. In the face of such pain, many may find solace and strength in their faith. 

The way one integrates faith into one's healing journey is a personal one. There is no right or wrong way. You are allowed to experiment with different practices, such as reading scripture, attending services, spending time in communion, or maybe isolating yourself in prayer and reflection. Regardless, the key is to find what resonates with you most and what brings you closer to a sense of peace and wholeness.

A Journey, Not a Destination

Nurturing the soul and recovering from trauma can be a long and arduous journey. This is the case even through the love of God, yet with faith, one is offered solace and strength along the way. Nevertheless, it is important to be patient with yourself.

He healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds.

Psalm 147:3

Promoting self-relaxation helps manage overwhelming emotions. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing can do extreme wonders for the mind. 

Another thing that you should consider is journaling. Putting into paper what you are thinking and feeling can be wonderfully cathartic. Reading through your notes at a later date can also yield valuable insights.

Beyond that, focus on the good things in life and let them foster a sense of hope and positive well-being. This is practicing gratitude. 

Finally, treat yourself compassionately. Be kind and understanding to yourself as you heal yourself.

Healing Through the Love of God 

Through the original covenant with Abraham, Christians have a relationship with God, a loving and compassionate higher power. 

In times of hardship, this belief can provide immense comfort. 

The simple knowledge that you are not alone and that a force of good exists in the universe can be a powerful foundation for rebuilding. 

Prayer then becomes a channel for expressing grief and anger. It offers a safe space to process pain and plead for guidance.

Trauma often leaves us feeling trapped in a cycle of resentment or even self-blame. Forgiveness is a cornerstone of Christian faith. Born with sin, humans seek forgiveness from God. Thus, forgiveness is a very crucial step in healing. By choosing forgiveness, we surrender the power the perpetrator holds over us and reclaim control over our own lives.

Nurturing the soul can also be done through community. Faith often provides us with a vital network of support, especially when we regularly engage with other believers, either in church or outside of it. Fellow believers can offer understanding, empathy, and practical assistance during times of need. Sharing experiences with those who understand the impact of trauma can foster a sense of belonging and connection. Religious services or gatherings can provide a sense of peace and belonging, reminding us that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Nurturing the Soul 

Trauma changes everything. Having faith offers solace by suggesting a bigger picture, a purpose beyond our individual struggles, a way to reorient our suffering from consuming us whole. Trauma makes us feel unsafe in the world. Faith offers peace by fostering a sense of security and trust in a higher power: Jesus Christ. Knowing that we are not alone and that we are cared for can be a powerful antidote to fear. 

It is important to recognize that faith is not always a good replacement for professional help. Trauma can manifest in complex ways, and therapy can offer valuable tools for managing triggers, processing emotions, and developing coping mechanisms. A therapist can work alongside your faith journey to provide additional support and guidance.

Remember, healing is possible. With faith as your foundation, professional support, and self-compassion, you can overcome the effects of trauma and rebuild a life filled with strength and hope.


Cleansing the Sanctuary of the Heart is a great book about trauma treatment by Beverly and David Sedlacek. If you want to take a look, it's available here and in all major online bookstores.